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Clearing Your Criminal Record

Working to clear your criminal record is valuable for any number of reasons. A criminal record can affect a person’s ability to find and keep a good job or rent an apartment.  A person’s record will influence any future case filed against them. Certain convictions can increase cost of life and health insurance. A DWI conviction can make obtaining a visa to visit other countries, such as Canada, very difficult.

It is important to minimize your record as much as possible. This can help to minimize seen and unforeseen consequences of future cases.

No one can honestly guarantee a case’s dismissal. Hiring a good attorney immediately to keep your record as clear as possible is the best way to proceed. Once your record is created, unless you are eligible for a Texas expunction of records or a motion to seal, there is often not much any attorney can do later on.

If you have any concern about your record, you can do a Texas Department of Criminal Records search with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).