Practice Areas
Criminal law covers a wide array of charges that are either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity of the offense. Charges are tried in state or federal courts by prosecutors.
Just as in any profession, knowledge and wisdom accumulate with time. Viktor Olavson has more than 25 years experience in protecting the rights of those accused of criminal offenses. That experience includes hundreds of cases in federal, state, and municipal courts.
Whether you need an Austin, Texas DWI attorney, a lawyer to bail you out of jail after arrest, or an attorney to defend you in a criminal case, Viktor Olavson is here to protect your rights.
Asset Seizure
If the police find a person in possession of large amounts of cash, generally $1,000 or more, they may seize it.
Drug Cases
Any amount of cocaine, crack, meth-amphetamines, heroin, LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy tablets, cough syrup with codeine over 28 grams and many other drugs are felony drug charges and prosecuted in district courts.
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
All DWI cases carry consequences beyond simple criminal prosecution. Texas Department of Public Safety will administratively attempt to impose your license suspension. Choosing a good Austin, Texas DWI attorney is more important now than ever.
If your case has been dismissed, or you have been found not guilty, you can get a Texas expunction of records. Expunction erases that part of your criminal record — your record will not include that case, or even show that your case has been dismissed.
Family Violence and Assault
Assault encompasses a large area of conduct. If you even accidentally cause someone pain, you may be charged with the Class A misdemeanor of assault, punishable by up to 1 year in jail.
Federal Cases
Separate and apart from our state system of prosecution is the federal system and federal cases differ in many ways.
Jail Release
Most criminal cases begin with an arrest. Jail release becomes a client’s immediate goal. Travis County, jail release is usually available through lawyers as well as through bail bondsmen.
Probation as a sentence in Texas consists of one of two different kinds of community supervision: regular or deferred adjudication.
Clearing Your Record
Working to clear your criminal record is valuable for any number of reasons. It is important to minimize your record as much as possible to minimize seen and unforeseen consequences.