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Drug Cases

Possession of any amount of drugs such as cocaine, crack, meth-amphetamines, heroin, LSD, mushrooms, and ecstasy could result in felony drug charges. Typically these are prosecuted in district courts. Unless you are given a sentence of probation, the Texas drug penalty with conviction brings prison time. If you are given a sentence of probation, you can expect years of working difficult programs and compliance with your supervising officer.

As with other felonies, it is important to hire an experienced attorney to represent you in court. The cases and laws involving police search seizure are complicated, but your attorney should thoroughly review your case prior to advising you to plead guilty. If you do decide to plead guilty, make sure you understand the consequences, and make sure you have considered all of your options.

Travis County also offers a drug diversion court. The drug court is a challenging program that is right for some people but not everybody. Talking with an attorney prior to making any decision about the drug court program is vital.