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Texas Expunction of Records

If your case has been dismissed, or you have been found not guilty, you can get a Texas expunction of records. Expunction erases that part of your criminal record — your record will not even show that your case has been dismissed. Clearing a criminal record is valuable for any number of reasons. Criminal records can affect your ability to find and keep a good job or rent an apartment. A person’s record will influence any future criminal case filed against them. If you have any concern about your record, you should get an official copy from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), which maintains it.

Probation sentences, including deferred adjudication, cannot be expunged. (Exception: deferred adjudication for Class C misdemeanors such as Minor in Possession of Alcohol.) However, it is possible to petition a court to seal a successfully completed deferred adjudication. While the criminal record still exists, it is not supposed to be divulged except to law enforcement agencies and other governmental entities.

The final step to winning your case is to clear your criminal record. Do not let the opportunity pass. Viktor Olavson has successfully handled a full range of such cases, including expunctions, motions to seal and early discharges.